Friday, April 25, 2008

I can Bearly read

Is it just me, or does anyone else have difficulties with pages on the web that have dark backgrounds with a lighter colour print?
When I find a blog that is formatted that way, the content better be pretty darn interesting, because I will not return to read any new content on those blogs.
Sorry, if this applies to any of you out there in the Blogging world.
I imagine that the reason for that type of format is that it is supposed to be "artistic." All I am saying, is that my aging eyes have a difficult time reading "artistic."


Bex said...

I can't read them either! I'm turning 40 this year which may have something to do with it. When I was just starting my blog I goofed arond with some of the artier (is that a word?) versions of blog templates. But then I decided on the same one that you've used here. Nice!

Joy Des Jardins said...

Hi Bear Naked.....I told you I'd come by, and I'm so glad I did. I LOVE YOUR SITE! BEARS! This is just adorable. I've added you to my blogroll....I know I'll be back daily to see what you're up to.

As far as the light colored print on dark can count me in too. Don't like them. My problem is that I have to read them every day when I review blogs for the BlogHer Women's's part of my job as a community manager. Honestly, when one of those sites come up....I cringe trying to make out dates and content. I try to get through them as best as I can without passing out. I review hundreds of blogs a week, and I guess I'm lucky these kinds of sites are really a small percentage of them.

Take care...I'll be back....and thanks for stopping by my place...

Joy Des Jardins said...

Oops, it seems I got back the e-mail I sent you in response to your comments on my post; which probably makes the first part of my comments on your post not make much sense. I don't see an e-mail address here on your blog. Is it possible that you could e-mail me your address so I have it in my address book so I can respond to you when I need to? My e-mail address is:

Thanks Bear Naked.....

Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree more. Some combinations of print and background are bearly readable.
Love your blog. The pictures are great. I also write about a Bear but he's nothing like your cuddly collection.

Kay Dennison said...

They are difficult for many of us who are no longer young. Ihad a template the first year I had my blog that was the color of Pepto-Bismol (don't ask why I chose it -- I don't know either) and I finally realized that it annoyed me so it probably others. A year ago I bit the bullet and went hrough the hell of changing it and am much happier. I think its appearance even increased my posting!!!!

Steve Garfield said...

You are right. It's an issue of ergonomics. Black type on a white background is easier to read.