Perhaps Sherlock Holmes could solve it.
Or maybe Dr. Watson.
Or perhaps, YOU out there in the blogosphere know what is happening.
Who did this?
What has happened?
Where did it go?
When did it start?
Why can I not find an answer?
How will I cope?
I am talking about the disappearance of "REALEMON™" Lemon Juice - Concentrate from the shelves of all the grocery stores here in my hometown.
I have always been able to purchase this here in Ontario, Canada; but in the past four weeks each and every grocery store that I have shopped at have not been re-stocking their stores with this product.
Yesterday a local store said that they have not received this for a month but gave no reason *why*.
I add "REALEMON™" Lemon juice - Concentrate to the water I drink.
It has become such a habit that to me plain water doesn't have a *refreshing* taste any longer.
Does anyone have the answer to the disappearance?
Can you solve the mystery?
UPDATE: It seems to be happening all over the province of Ontario.
I found this " Where is all the lemon juice?" on a forum.
Is it happening in other parts of Canada or in the US?
Bear((( )))
I didn't know it's off the shelves - I'll ck out West!
Well now you've made me curious Bear. I never noticed, but I'll definitely check. My husband always loved Real Lemon lemon juice. He used it all the time. Next time I go to the store...I'll look for it. I may even have some in the refrig. as we speak. but it's probably pretty old.
I hope that doesn't happen here. I am addicted to the stuff. If things get desperate, let me know, and I will send you a supply!
One needs to get to the mfr, and contact the main office and ask them why you can't get in in your local stores. sometimes when you do that they volunteer to send you neat coupons and otherwise do they're best to keep you a happy customer of their products. The Lemon Juice concentrate I have was made and sold under the Von's supermarket label, unable to determine who the actually mfr is.
Gary (aka old dude)
I did some googling and learned that Real Lemon, is manufactured by Motts, Inc. type in Motts Inc into your browser and good luck with your search for sources of Real lemon, I think you can even buy direct from them??
gary (aka old dude)
I sent an email to the company
that manufactures it to find out why it is not being shipped to our stores.
IF they answer back I will keep everyone informed.
Bear((( )))
Well this is a bitter twist ... if I can find it here in my market I would happily send it to you...
SAMS here in Georgia has huge bottles of it but I am not sure about customs and shippig it .. but If possible I woudl get it and ship to you.
just a thought.
Oh Bear, this is not good news. I have a little bottle shaped like a lemon in the fridge, it's all but empty. My OH loves Realemon on all sorts of food - this might be real bad news!
I'll check in stores here about and report back.
Also thanks for the visit and the useful info. ;)
Let me know - Costco has 48 oz. bottles - I'll gladly ship you one.
(Under the guise of sumpin' else, as obviously it's a coveted liquid in Canada! ;-)
it just poof left- first a bottle then a lemon then poof- although sometimes I see something similiar. Meanwhile I have about 50 a day in my yard..sk
Bad lemon crop this year -just found a case at local no frills - bought all 12 bottles -lime juice in iced tea was NOT good
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