They don't complain when you would rather sew than cook.
They don't cut paper with your sewing scissors.
They don't tell you Monday that they need an outfit on Tuesday
They don't outgrow the clothes you make for them before they're finished.
They don't complain if they step on a pin.
They wait patiently while you finish just *one more* project.
They never call you a fabricholic
***Even when you are.***
Bear((( )))
Can you see me smiling?....
They also give you a cuddle when your projects don't work out.
Very true. They also don't need walking every so many hours, nor do they require litter pans.
Can I trade my dog and cat for a couple of your wonderful bears?
**Hitting self on forehead. What was I thinking with these children??
I'm glad your bears don't use your sewing scissors for paper.
There's nothing more infuriating than catching them in the act!
So true Bear....Teddy Bears really are beary lovable.....and they don't complain when you hug the stuffin' out of them.
I never had a teddy bear.
Everybody say AH!!!!
That's why I love your blog so much.
---and they make good "yes" men too.
Better that than a lot of other 'holic's .. eh?
:-Daryl, a shoe, bag, clothing, make up junkie
I could have written this! I've written on all my fabric scissors "NO PAPER" with a black permanent marker. Do you think it helps? NO. I've resorted to hiding them but then I can't remember where I hid them. *sigh*
Awww - they are so cute!
I love that picture!
Six bears in your photo. How many others do you have? I'm just realizing that I have quite a few myself. My favorite sites right here by the computer.
Always great when someone ``bears'' their soul!!
Very cute! Congratulations on your post of the day!
sew true i saw some great ones yesterday
Perhaps you'd be so kind as to visit my blog and click on my Big Blue Barn Knits? I have a few teddies I've posted there.
btw - David sent me! wooohooo!
Sew Sweet! I love your blog! :)
Came here via David!
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