Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Epiphany

The three Wise Men (called in that time "magicians", although they were actually astronomers) saw from the far east the birth of a star over the town of Bethlehem, and they discovered the meaning behind the star: a savior had been born. They traveled to Bethlehem, and along the way they found King Herod, whom they told of the birth of the new King. Herod ordered them to find the baby and return to give the news of the place where the little Messiah had been born.

Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar found the baby in a manger where they offered their treasured gifts for the baby Jesus: Gold, which represented the spiritual wealth of the child; Frankincense, which signifies the earth and the sky; and Myrrh, the oil which was used for medicinal as well as spiritual purposes.

An angel warned them that they should not tell King Herod about the birth of Jesus because his plan was to kill the baby. So the three Wise Men returned by way of a different path to their homeland.



magiceye said...

they indeed look wise and with a sense of humour displayed in their expressions!

desert dirt diva said...

that was very cute:)

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

Those bears are adorable.

Mental P Mama said...

They are adorable. Have you ever smelled Frankincense? It is heavenly.

Bev said...

great post --- today will be our official end to the Christmas season -- ie, the last night we turn on the lights in all the decorations

Love the new look of your blog

Happy New Year!!

Darlene said...

Where ever do you find all those cute costumes that illustrate your posts? You must be a seamstress as well as a collector.

I love the cute little donkey.

Kay Dennison said...

How darling!!! Since we have a large Greek population here, we call Epiphany Greek Christmas.

photowannabe said...

Thanks for posting about Epiphany and the perfect bear costumes showing it.
Hope your day is great Bear.

Daryl said...

Wise men indeed .. perhaps the last of their breed

Michele said...

Aww... sweet. I learned something!

Oh, btw... I have too much snow out West here and I have to send some your way, ok? =)

Anonymous said...

I just love the expressions on the faces of these Three Kings. Made me laugh...so wise 'We know a secret' kind of look.

Smart Mouth Broad said...

I love this post. So few pay any attention to the twelfth night/day.

Roger Owen Green said...

I don't even play Christmas music until a week before Christmas. the tree is going down only today.
Oh, and it seems that in the school play, I was ALWAYS one of the Wise Guys, er Men.

i beati said...

yes I presented myself a gift in honor of epipahny

Baino said...

Did you know that the bible doesn't actually mention the number of wise men? Or so I'm told by a priest friend of mine