Also known as "Does this make my butt look bigger?"
It's that time of the year, the post-holiday season, when I finally got up enough nerve to step back on the bathroom scale. Yes I will admit that I have avoided checking my weight for the past three weeks. I considered the scale avoidance as my own little seasonal personal gift from me to me.
Why worry about it if you have no real evidence--right?---right???
Other than the fact that you are at your most comfortable wearing only a t-shirt, your LARGE t-shirt. Or the difficulty you have been encountering when you have to get dressed up and those pesky zippers on EVERYTHING in your closet are not working properly.
So I bit the bullet and stepped on the scale.
I gained three pounds!!!
Yikes that means I have to now lose 23 pounds.
Monsieur Bear lost a pound.
I am not speaking to him.

Never lose weight with a man...they always win. And even when they don't want to!
I'm also on the gotta-lose-pounds band wagon. And is just sucks!!
:) so cute - the pic!
best wishes in your weight losing quest!!
Love the photo!!!
I need to lose some, too!!!
I gained 3 pounds around Thanksgiving, but I am holding steady at pre-TG weight now. I still need to lose 15 lbs. but I won't give odds on that happening....LOL
LOL on the caption to the photo re butt. I've got to see how my work clothes fit in the morning. I'll think about it then... & diet/exercise/drink lots of water, all starting Monday. ;)
That picture is so precious. I plateaued at a 10 pound loss a while back but am renewing my determination to lose 10 more...a pending cruise with several good-lookers will do that to you.
You are right your not!!!
I couldn't figure out how to change the size. It wouldn't take Flickr site where my other pic's are. I took one from my file pic's instead. I probably do a search for blog pic's later. Thank you for your comment.
No, that picture doesn't make the bear's butt's look bigger, it just makes the head look smaller.
Men can be a complete demotivator and create disenchantment.
Oh, and this also applies to dieting.
three pounds, that's no much. I am much heavier now than a few years ago. And I never really stick to my diet plan...too many I still want to taste. ;)
Men are so unfair that way. I'm dreading the extra poundage too.
LOL @ CBW. I am on day one of The Sonoma Diet.
Hi Bear,
Long time, no write. Hope you really enjoyed all the great holiday food. I figure--if you're going to eat it, enjoy it (not partially enjoy it...fully taste and experience every morsel).
Now, however, is the time to get serious about taking it off but not by eliminating everything yummy in life. I vow to make this year one of less chocolate and more exercise. We're on the band wagon together. Good luck and keep us posted.
'Course you're not, Bear. But that gorgeous polar bear needs a bear hug.
Well, good luck to you. May you lose whatever you want to lose, and not lose anything you want to keep!
In our family, we always called it "fubsy". (It's a real word!)
Hehe... that polar bear made me smile.
I am sure you will do fine in losing that extra "fluff"... not too worry!
Not fair - men seem to have it so easy! I think God just likes them best. Anyway, your wt gain is not too bad at all!
Men always lose faster then women .. but they gain it back faster ... slow off, stay off ..
That is so unfair that he lost a pound. Grrrr. At least you don't have the 40lbs that I have to lose.
3 pounds ain't nothing!
love the polar bear, he is so fluffy and fluffy is adorable :)
Cute pic! I used to lose weight around the holidays just because I was running around so much. Now I don't even want to step on the scale, either.
Haven't weighed myself since last summer!
You'll soon lose that 3 pounds. I've got to shed more than two kilos (actually nearly three) - that's about double your weight gain - before I can even start losing weight 'properly' again.
My diet went straight out the window over the holidays too Bear...big time. I got on the scale after everyone left town and....YIKES...I gained about 5 pounds or so. My doctor isn't going to like that. I've been trying to work on it. I guess I'm VERY fluffy. Good luck Bear.
I went to my doctor's yesterday and, to my horror, I had gained 7 pounds. I had high hopes that my illness had helped me lose weight. I guess all that sitting and eating did the dirty deed. Diet is my next goal.
I look like the bear without fur. Sigh!
my treadmill is my lifesaver.... I gained 5 and have managed to lose 3 already just getting back to my workout regime...oh, and cutting back on the shortbreads...Stollens... Pannettone..and chocolates...and... sigh... you get the drift....
lots of walking in your future??How;s the shoulder??sandy
It's simply no fair how easy men have it!! grrrrr...
Thanks to walking my socks off with an overseas visitor this week (literally, I've walked miles and miles around the city) I've actually lost weight! Only xxxxx pounds to go!
Thanks to walking my socks off with an overseas visitor this week (literally, I've walked miles and miles around the city) I've actually lost weight! Only xxxxx pounds to go!
blame the holidays...don't worry you'l lose those extra pound before you know it...
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